Posted in Early Reader, Graphic Novels, Non-Fiction

We Dig Worms is a great intro to science for young readers!

wedigwormsWe Dig Worms, by Kevin McCloskey (Apr 2015, TOON Books), $12.95, ISBN: 978-1-935179-80-1

Recommended for ages 4-8

Worms are so much more than those squiggly things you pull out of the dirt and put on a fish hook. Kevin McCloskey has put together a great little graphic novel that appeals to a range of young readers, illustrating just how worms help us. There’s so much to appeal to kids here – a cartoon side story involving a bird that wants to say hello to a worm and invite him to lunch (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), a Q&A about worms that gives us answers involving worm poo (it’s good for the soil!), and a detailed map of a worm’s interior and exterior.

WRM-slideshow-3The illustrations – originally painted on recycled grocery bags, which give a great look and feel to the book – are cartoony and kid-friendly, with simple facts and explanations. The map of the worm can be made even simpler for the youngest readers by just explaining that it is a map of the worm – that’s how I read it to my toddler, who loves this book and demands it be read to him every night.


This is a great entry into graphic nonfiction, and a book that belongs on library, school, and children’s bookshelves. I’m making sure this one gets into my libraries; I’ve had great luck with TOON Books this far and look forward to adding to my collection. Take a look at some of the artwork, from the TOON Books website, where you can also pre-order copies.





I'm a mom, a children's librarian, bibliophile, and obsessive knitter. I'm a pop culture junkie and a proud nerd, and favorite reads usually fall into Sci-Fi/Fantasy. I review comics and graphic novels at WhatchaReading ( I'm also the co-founder of On Wednesdays We Wear Capes (, where I discuss pop culture and geek fandom from a female point of view.

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